Rental and property management
If you have one or more properties sometimes you do not have enough time to take the necessary care. The management can be more complicated if you decide to rent them or if you already have a rented property. In Eurofincas we take care of both the maintenance of the property and the rental process.
Currently in Eurofincas we manage properties of 210 clients and a total of 600 buildings in vertical property, located in Barcelona City, Esplugues de Llobregat, San Cugat del Vallés, Zaragoza, Palma de Mallorca, Ibiza and Madrid. Our clients include promoters, investors, charities and individuals. The properties that we manage, both in horizontal property and in vertical property, are buildings intended for habitual residence, second residence, venues and the industry.
The keys to our success model
24/7 communication
We always keep you updated on any matter that may occur in the property and the state of the rental process through our client space
Property maintenance
We make sure your property is in perfect conditions. We manage the necessary maintenance or repair and evaluate your budget.
Optimal management of the rental
Choose the right tenant, respectful of the property and solvent. We gather the necessary documentation and prepare your contract.
Economic management
We handle the payment of expenses, settlements, periodic reports to owners and profitability analysis.
Communication with the tenant
We represent you in any communication with the tenant. We monitor and control the renewal of contracts and income update.
Incident resolution
We stand by you and defend your interests in any issues that may arise in the property or between you and the tenant.
What do owners say about Eurofincas ?
More than a hundred owners have rated us with an average score of 4.7 out of 5 in Google Review.
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